Large scale optimisation of the numbers and locations of meters and monitoring devices, including modelling the multiple objectives of system deployment cost and resolution of data collected, is required for effective system design and operation.
OPTIMA CIs: Assoc. Professor Guido Tack
Associates: Dr Mario Boley
PhD candidate: starting soon
Predict-and-Optimise through Time at Water Recycling Treatment Plants
OPTIMA CIs: Professor Kate Smith-Miles
Associates: Professor James Bailey
PhD candidate: VincentBarbosa Vaz
Multi-objective optimisation of environmental outcomes in urban water systems
This project forms part of a broader research program with The University of Melbourne and Melbourne Water that aims to test advances in real-time control technology (RTC) to control a network of small- and large-scale rainwater and stormwater storage. The aim is to simultaneously deliver water supply, flood protection, and delivery of flow regimes into waterways that match the ecological requirements of important aquatic species, such as the platypus.
OPTIMA CIs: Professor Kate Smith-Miles
Associates: Professor Tim Fletcher, Dr Mathew Burns
PhD Candidate: Shiraz (Yi) Zhen
Waterways long-term ambient WQ monitoring network
This project forms part of a broader research program with The University of Melbourne and Melbourne Water that aims to interrogate and optimise the waterways long-term water quality monitoring network. The aim is to identify key physicochemical water quality parameters that best predict stream conditions to allow for targeting of sampling effort and identification of key catchment characteristics linked to water quality and stream values.
OPTIMA CIs: Professor Kate Smith-Miles
Associates: Professor Tim Fletcher
PhD Candidate: Vaughn Gray