Registration for attendees
Monday 29th May 2023
The OPTIMA-CON2023 is an exciting opportunity for OPTIMA graduate researchers to share their research in a supportive environment. It is also an opportunity to gain skills and network with your peers. Prizes will be awarded for the most outstanding presentation and poster.
The inaugural OPTIMA-CON2023 is hosted by the ARC Training Centre in Optimisation Technologies, Integrated Methodologies, and Applications (OPTIMA). The conference will run from 8:30am-5:30pm and include:
- 15-minute talks
- Poster presentations
- Workshops
- Guest speakers
- Food!
Keynote speaker Assoc. Prof. Jen Martin on Science Communication
Prof. Andreas Ernst and Assoc. Prof. Alysson M. Costa presenting a workshop on breaking down interdisciplinary siloes
The goals of the conference are to:
- enable students to share their experiences, and learn from others, regarding how optimisation tools and techniques can be effectively applied across different industry sectors.
- encourage students to step out of the in-depth and focused nature of their postgraduate research programs and understand the experiences of others, helping to break the academic siloes seen across optimisation sub-disciplines and develop a strong future for the field.
Who should participate
All OPTIMA members are invited to attend, including students, researchers and industry partners. If you are a member of OPTIMA, please reserve your place by selecting a free membership ticket.
This year we have a limited number of places for non-members and students outside OPTIMA that would like to attend the conference. If you are not a member of OPTIMA, please reserve your place by selecting a free non-member ticket.
Disclaimer: Please note that as this event is free to attend and aimed at OPTIMA members there won’t be reimbursements for any travel or costs incurred in the unlikely event that we need to cancel or postpone the conference. Further, no letters of invitation will be provided to attend this event for international attendees.
Key Dates
- Saturday 1 April, 2023
- Abstract submission deadline
- Saturday 15 April, 2023
- Poster submission deadline
- Saturday 22 April, 2023
- Notification of acceptance
- Tuesday 16 May, 2023
- Registration for attendance closes
- Monday 29 May, 2023
- Conference day
Submission Guidelines
- OPTIMA’s GR who are interested in presenting their work are invited to submit a short abstract (at most 1 page) on fundamental aspects and/or applications of optimisation. You can participate in one of the following tracks:
- Presentations: up to 15 minutes of regular talk followed by 5 minutes of Q&A.
- Posters: showcase your academic work during the conference on a standard A1 poster.
- All instructions and templates included in the submission kit.
- Abstract submission is for OPTIMA members only.
- Any questions about submissions should be emailed to Mary Kolyaei (
- We can’t wait to hear all about your interesting work!
If you have any accessibility needs, concerns or questions about the event, please contact Mary:
Organising committee
- Achini Wellalage
- Amin Karimi
- Hanan Alsouly
- Mary Kolyaei
- Sameela Wijesundara
- Qian Wan
- Vincent Barbosa Vaz
Support committee
- Dr Charlotte Hurry
- Dr Jessica Leung
Stay in touch for the agenda and list of speakers!