OPTIMA has robust equity, diversity and inclusion policies that supports its researchers by providing family-friendly work practices, including part-time opportunities and flexible working hours. There is also the opportunity for skill advancement, and all our members are assigned an industry-based mentor.

Equity, diversity and inclusion policy

PHD Opportunities

Throughout the year, we have several PhD opportunities with generous top-up scholarships across OPTIMA’s two nodes, The University of Melbourne and Monash University. Our PhDs programmes are 3.5 years, including one year of industry placement, ensuring that our graduates are industry-ready upon conclusion. We invite potential PhD candidates to apply directly through OPTIMA. We determine which project you are most suitable for based upon your skillset; you may then be offered a PhD at either of our nodes. Before applying, please make yourself aware of the admission requirements of both OPTIMA nodes, as a PhD will not be offered if you do not meet the requirements of either Monash University (link) or The University of Melbourne (link).

Research Fellow Opportunities

Research fellows are located at OPTIMA’s two nodes. Our research fellows are responsible for advancing optimisation methodologies, developing open-source software tools, co-supervising Masters and PhD students, collaborating with industry partners, and communicating and disseminating the research results that are not commercial-in-confidence. Follow our Twitter or LinkedIn pages for updates.


See opportunities

Project Team Jobs

The project team is integral to supporting the research direction of OPTIMA. The project team is comprised of The Centre Manager and Software Developers. Follow our Twitter or LinkedIn pages for updates.


See opportunities

Associate Investigators

An Associate Investigator is a member employed at an Australian or overseas research institution. They are self-nominated or nominated by an OPTIMA Chief Investigator. The OPTIMA Executive Committee approves them. An Associate Investigator is not a Chief Investigator but does have significant engagement with OPTIMA in some way. For example, this could be by engaging in a substantial and ongoing research project in optimisation, collaborating in an optimisation project with an OPTIMA Chief Investigator or being a joint supervisor of an OPTIMA student. Associate Investigators are appointed for renewable two-year terms.
