OPTIMA Seminar 30 Aug 2023 16:00 (AEST)
Title: Instance Space Analysis for Clustering Validation Techniques
Speaker: Connor Simpson
Validation is a vital step in the clustering process, necessary for determining the correct partitioning of data. However, due to the considerable diversity in clustering problems, which includes differing assumptions about the structure of clusters within the data, the choice of a validation method becomes both important and challenging. Our aim is to assess the behaviour of these validation methods across a range of benchmark datasets through instance space analysis. This talk will cover the background of why this problem is important, the steps required to produce an Instance Space Analysis, and an exploration of extending instance spaces into three dimensions, along with methods for its assessment.
WED 23 August 15:30-17:00 (AEST, Melbourne Time)
Hybrid Event:
In person venue: Melbourne Connect: Level M (Room M01-M02) – Join us for afternoon tea before the seminar from 15.30
Online: Zoom (16.00-17.00)
MEETING ID: 873 1557 5255; PASSWORD: 778635