OPTIMA Seminar 21 June 2023 16:00 (AEST)
Title: Decomposition Techniques for Vehicle Routing
Speaker: Dr Edward Lam
Summary: We will review basic decomposition techniques for mixed integer linear programming including Dantzig-Wolfe and Benders decomposition and then see how they can be used to develop high-performance algorithms for solving routing and scheduling problems.
Biography: Edward is a Research Fellow in the Department of Data Science and Artificial Intelligence in the Faculty of Information Technology at Monash University. His research investigates optimisation and machine learning algorithms for autonomous decision-making. Edward specialises in algorithms for solving routing and scheduling problems in the transport, logistics and energy systems domains. His expertise include mixed integer linear programming, constraint programming, deep reinforcement learning and high-performance computing. Edward works with OPTIMA CI Professor Peter Stuckey.
Hybrid event:
Attend in-person at 20 Exhibition Wlk, Clayton-2-280-Meeting Room , Monash University or online via Zoom
MEETING ID: 873 1557 5255; PASSWORD: 778635
WED 21 June 16:00-17:00 (AEST, Melbourne Time)
- 20 Exhibition Wlk, Clayton-2-280-Meeting Room