Home Events - OPTIMA Seminar 13 March 2024 16:00 (AEDT)


Mar 13 2024


4:00 pm - 5:00 pm



Seminar 13 March 2024 16:00 (AEDT)

Title: Optimal forecast reconciliation with time series selection

Speaker: Dr Xiaoqian Wang

Forecast reconciliation ensures forecasts of time series in a hierarchy adhere to aggregation constraints, enabling aligned decision making. While forecast reconciliation can enhance overall accuracy in hierarchical or grouped structures, the most substantial improvements occur in series with initially poor-performing base forecasts. Nevertheless, certain series may experience deteriorations in reconciled forecasts. In practical settings, series in a structure often exhibit poor base forecasts due to model misspecification or low forecastability. To prevent their negative impact, we propose two categories of forecast reconciliation methods that incorporate time series selection based on out-of-sample and in-sample information, respectively. These methods keep “poor” base forecasts unused in forming reconciled forecasts, while adjusting weights allocated to the remaining series accordingly when generating bottom-level reconciled forecasts. Additionally, our methods ameliorate disparities stemming from varied estimates of the base forecast error covariance matrix, alleviating challenges associated with estimator selection. Empirical evaluations through two simulation studies and applications using Australian labour force and domestic tourism data demonstrate improved forecast accuracy, particularly evident in higher aggregation levels, longer forecast horizons, and cases involving model misspecification.

Dr. Xiaoqian Wang is a postdoctoral research fellow in the Department of Econometrics & Business Statistics at Monash University, under the supervision of Prof. Rob J Hyndman. Her research interests include time series forecasting, distributed computing, and statistical modeling. In particular, she is now working on a nonlinear optimization problem with both nonlinear and integer constraints in a hierarchical framework to deal with high-dimensional hierarchies.

Hybrid Event:
Zoom: (Link below)
MEETING ID: 873 1557 5255; PASSWORD: 778635

In Person: Monash University – 29 Ancora Imparo Way, Clayton-3-317-Meeting Room (BusEco) Click for Map

WED 13 MARCH 2024 16:00-17:00 (AEDT, Melbourne Time)


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Mar 13 2024


Monash University - Clayton-3-317-Meeting Room
29 Ancora Imparo Way, Clayton-3-317-Meeting Room (BusEco)

Advancing an industry-ready optimisation toolkit, while training a new generation of industry practitioners and over 120 young researchers, who will vanguard a highly skilled workforce of change agents for industrial transformation.

Monash University
Clayton, Victoria, 3080

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