Rehan Mendis
Rehan’s project title is “Optimal placement of monitoring devices in smart water networks.” His interests lie in the fields of Data Science and Machine Learning (ML) with focus on probabilistic modelling and optimization to support cooperative and real life decision-making under uncertainty factors. Additionally, he has knowledge in statistical modelling and inference in specific areas such as generalized linear models (GLMs) and generalized additive models. His co-operative experience has improved his Python and R language skills to work with statistical models on practical applications in daily aspects.
His current project focuses on probabilistic modelling and optimization to support decision-making under uncertainty in structured domains. Rehan is an OPTIMA Industry PhD student, based at Monash University node, working with our industry partner SE Water. He is supervised by OPTIMA CI Prof. Guido Tack and OPTIMA AI Dr Mario Boley at Monash University.