Seminar 22 January 2025 12:00 (AEDT)
Title: Personnel rostering: open problems in practice and theory
Speaker: Greet Vanden Berghe
KE Leuven (Belgium)
Personnel rostering represents a fascinating combinatorial optimisation problem due to its relevance in practice and its computational difficulty.
The personnel rostering problem has yielded ample practice-oriented combinatorial optimisation approaches. Despite the vast amount of academic research results, it remains hard for novice developers to profit from general insights or re-usable models and algorithms. This `cold start’ issue can be partially explained by complicated regulations typical for personnel environments with 24/7 duties which are different in almost every organisation. The very same issue also persists due to the lack of a theoretical framework for nurse rostering.
This talk will focus on the challenging interplay between important practical and theoretical nurse rostering contributions.
Greet Vanden Berghe’s primary research interest is related to operational research. She focuses in particular on solving complex industrial combinatorial optimization problems. Examples of such problems include timetabling, scheduling and vehicle routing problems and combinations thereof. Recently, she also became interested in dynamic combinatorial optimization, which intelligently employs data that becomes available during schedule execution. All these research activities involve mathematical modelling and the development of intelligent search algorithms such as heuristic search and decomposition methods.
Greet will be visiting OPTIMA in January 2025
This event is Hybrid: Seminar to start 12:00 on Zoom and in-person (followed by light lunch 13:00- 13:45)
** It is essential to register for in-person attendance at: https://go.unimelb.edu.au/7hq8
Location for in person: Melbourne Connect, Level 7, Room 7320, 700 Swanston Street, Carlton
SEMINAR: WED 22 JANUARY 2025 12:00 -13:00 (AEDT, Melbourne Time)
ZOOM MEETING ID: 873 1557 5255; PASSWORD: 778635
- Level 7 Boardroom (290-7-7320-Meeting Room)