Outreach to Schools Workshop
OPTIMA Members are invited to join a relaxed workshop to brainstorm ideas for engaging school students with optimisation. Afternoon tea will be provided.
We’ll hear some tips and advice from some people that have done school outreach before: Prof Kate Smith-Miles, Prof Doreen Thomas, Dr Vera Somers and the University of Melbourne Maths and Stats Outreach Team. This will be followed by plenty of time to chat, brainstorm and share ideas.
Our aim is for more OPTIMA members to feel equipped to start doing schools outreach, and to start a shared bank of examples and activities that we can all use to inspire the next generation of optimisation experts!
If you have any questions about this event or any accessibility needs, please contact Caitlyn, our Education and Outreach Officer.
If you would like transport from Monash campus, please contact Charlotte, our Centre Manager, by April 25th.
Please note this event is hybrid, you can also join via Zoom: Zoom: https://unimelb.zoom.us/j/87315575255?pwd=NUprdjRSSkdIZm4xSHZZeS84eWVvUT09 MEETING ID: 873 1557 5255; PASSWORD: 778635
- Level M, 700 Swanston St, Carton