Home Events - OPTIMA OPTIMA Seminar 19 April 2023 (Hybrid Event)
Banner for advertising an OPTIMA seminar being held on 19th April (4-5pm AEST), 2023, presented by Tommaso Mazzoli. It is titled: "Solving the Bus Driver Scheduling Problem".


Apr 19 2023


4:00 pm - 5:00 pm



OPTIMA Seminar 19 April 2023 (Hybrid Event)

Title: Solving the Bus Driver Scheduling Problem

Speaker: Tommaso Mazzoli

Summary: The Bus Driver Scheduling Problem (BDSP) is a combinatorial optimisation problem. The goal is to assign bus drivers to vehicles with predetermined routes to minimise a given objective function. The objective takes into account both operating costs and the satisfaction of employees. Tom and his team are currently focusing on developing and investigating an Adaptive Large Neighbourhood Search (ALNS) method for the BDSP, which has shown promising results in other related optimisation problems. 

Biography: Tom is a PhD candidate from Florence, Italy. He has completed a Bachelor’s and Master’s degree in Mathematics at the University of Florence, Italy, as well as a Double Master’s degree in Mathematical Engineering at the Complutense University of Madrid, Spain. He began his PhD in Vienna, Austria, in January 2021. In his spare time, he enjoys playing chess (at an amateur level), talking to friends, and spending time in nature.

WED 19 APRIL 16:00-17:00 (AEST, Melbourne Time)

LOCATION: Manhari Room at Level 7 Melbourne Connect, 700 Swanston St.

ZOOM MEETING ID: 873 1557 5255; PASSWORD: 778635

Afternoon tea will be available at 3.30 pm.

More Info


The event is finished.


Apr 19 2023

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